Dupree Malnutrition

I learned a lot of things about malnutrition from the guest lecturer. Malnutrition comes in many different forms. Even if a person is getting in calories even excess calories, this doesn’t mean they are nourished. I found this to be a very important point. I have known this fact, but I was reminded of how not everyone knows this. It’s so important to educate both the clients and their caretakers about nutrition, especially when they are hospitalized. Being hospitalized atrpohy sets in quick, and it is difficult to impossible for a body to heal when they aren’t receiving the nutrients they need to feed their bodies. I never realized the importance of protein for a healing body, and how that can make or break a clients healing potential.

The intervention idea I have for a single client is a nutrition journal. For many people especially the elderly malnutrition can come from not paying attention to what they are putting in or not putting into their bodies. Having someone write down and reason through their meal choices will help them become more aware of what they are putting in their bodies. Education is an important component of this intervention as well. Helping the client understand why they are journaling their meals will be helpful for compliance, and change in habits. The second intervention idea I have is for a group of clients. Having a group cooking class about cooking a healthy meal on a budget could be very beneficial for the elderly population. There are many skills that this class will hit including motor functions necessary to cook, cognitive skills necessary to cook a meal, and information needed to access healthy choices.


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