Misconceptions of Places an OT can Work

Before beginning occupation therapy school, I feel I had very basic knowledge about where an occupational therapist can work. Of course there are the places everyone knows about like schools, nursing homes, and inpatient clinics, but there are also tons of other settings, that I would have never even thought of. I am learning daily of different places an OT can work, and some of these places blow my mind. For example, OTs can work in the communities with troubled kids or they can set up adaptive equipment in someone’s home. An OT doesn’t have to be in a traditional setting to be doing OT, which is something that is so cool about the profession. The possibilities are endless, and there are always new areas of practice. I look forward to all of the new settings I will be learning about, as I continue my education to become an OT. My learning has been shaped in the short amount of time I have been a student. I have started looking at things through an OT lens. Looking for ways an OT can improve a clients situation in whatever setting has been fun, and I can’t wait to learn more!!


  1. I'm so glad to see that OT lens being recognized and used already!


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