Knowledge Check #14

For knowledge check #14, I will be discussing things that I learned through the learning activities professor Lancaster provided for us.  I really enjoyed the TED Talk about “Why We Need Universal Design.” This message coming from a man who is deaf made the topic even more meaningful to me. He was speaking through experience. I like how he pointed out that we all have disabilities, whether they are temporary or not. At some point or another we all have to adapt. Universal Design, though, is creating something that everyone can use without need for adaptations. What amazing world it would be if everything could be universally designed.

The podcast episode I chose to watch was Cancer Related Cognitive-Dysfunciton. This episode was really interesting to me. It seems weird to me that this disability is sometimes disregarded. They talked about how this symptom of cancer or cancer treatments normally isn’t expressed to the cancer patient, so they normally aren’t expecting this to occur. I think cancer related cognitive-dysfunction should be talked about more openly, so those who experiencing it should not struggle with it alone. Struggling with it alone could cause other problems such as depression or other psycho-social problems. The implications for us as OTs and OT students was really great in this podcast. Cancer related cognitive-dysfunction is such an interesting field to me.


  1. I like how you pointed out that we all have to adapt at one point or another! That was a big takeaway for me in that video as well. I agree with you that cancer related cognitive-dysfunction should be talked about more openly so we may become more aware of some initial signs or symptoms!

  2. I agree with you on how disability is sometimes disregarded.You make some really great point in your second paragraph! Really great post!

  3. After reading your take on listening to the podcast on cancer-related cognitive dysfunction, i'm interested to go back and listen to it myself. I think cancer patients as a population we serve is definitely something we should discuss more.


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