Dupree Aging and Sexual Health
I learned a lot from the lecture on Aging and Sexual Health. I really liked the approach that Dr. Valli took on aging and sexual health; she helped take some of the confusion and awkwardness out of the subject. Sexuality is a sensitive topic even when age is not a factor, but talking about sexuality with the geriatric population can prove even more uncomfortable for both parties. Why is this? In my opinion it is a lack of information, and comfort around the subject. It was helpful hearing from a sex therapist that there is no normal when it comes to sexuality, so expressing this to our clients may help relax them when bringing up this subject with them. Also I feel like the generation in the elderly role has attributed shame and guilt around sex especially being in the “Bible belt.” It was interesting to learn about the differences between males and females and how they respond sexually, it is also interesting to me how psychological sex is and understanding that can help client intera...